Guide For Authors

Paper submissions and reviews for IEEE IEES will be handled through the CMT conference management system. Please submit your contributions via the following Paper Submission Site:

If you haven’t a CMT account yet, you’ll be asked to create one before you can access the submission page.

Manuscript length: 6 pages maximum, including figures, tables & references. This is a strict limit for initial submission. During final submission of accepted papers, authors may purchase extra pages if they find it necessary to address the concerns of the reviewers.

Double Blind Review: IEES follows a double-blind review process. Authors are required to include their names and affiliations in their papers as illustrated in the sample templates.

Templates: paper must respect the latest IEEE manuscript templates

Please note that IEEE has recently revised their LaTeX templates. If you had previously downloaded these templates, please revisit this site to access the latest version.

IEEE Ethical Requirements for Authors

The IEEE requires that all authors wishing to present a paper declare that:

  • The paper is substantially original and that no paper substantially similar in content has been submitted or will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the IEEE IEES review period.
  • The paper does not contain any plagiarism, and the paper will be presented by the author or a co-author in person.

The program committee chairs retain the right to eliminate any papers in violation of these requirements.

Plagiarism Test Requirements

Since IEES will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, whose policy requires all IEEE content to be screened for possible plagiarism, IEES has access to the CrossCheck database and has scanned all submitted papers.

Read more about the CrossCheck initiative to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism at:

Similarity scores and scan reports are generated by an external provider and not by the conference. Please check the online report to understand how the similarity score was determined and which sections of your paper may need changes.

Note that to be submitted to IEEE Xplore, the overall similarity rate of a paper should not exceed 35 percent, and the similarity rate to a single source should not exceed 15 percent. The score and report are provided to assist you in revising your manuscript, if necessary. The conference will not be able to provide you a score or a report for the revised manuscript.

IEEE eXpress PDF Instructions for Authors

All authors are invited to use the IEEE PDF eXpress site to validate their papers.

Recommendations for Revising Manuscripts

  • You must remove, replace, rewrite, or redraw the content (text, figures, tables) if any, from already published sources. (See your similarity report sent with reviews)
  • Any full sentences or paragraphs highlighted in the plagiarism report are to be removed.

Acceptance Notification: September 16, 2025

Final paper submission deadline: October 1, 2025

Early-bird Registration: October 24, 2025